Cannabis-Apotheke – Cannabis auf Rezept

Finde die richtige Cannabis-Apotheke für deine Medizin!

Die richtige Apotheke für deine Cannabis-Medizin

Im sich rasant entwickelnden Bereich der medizinischen Cannabis-Behandlung ist der Weg zur richtigen Apotheke oft mit vielen Fragen und Unsicherheiten gepflastert. Egal, ob du neu in der Welt von CBD, THC und Cannabisblüten bist, oder schon ein Kenner der Cannabispflanze und ihrer vielfältigen, pharmazeutischen Extrakte – dieser Artikel ist für dich.

Hier findest du Antworten darauf, wo du dein Rezept für medizinisches Cannabis einlösen kannst und wie du sicherstellen kannst, dass die ausgewählte Apotheke vertrauenswürdig ist, eine reibungslose Lieferung bietet und stets die benötigten Arzneimittel vorrätig hat. Von der ersten Verordnung bis hin zum Hochladen deines Originalrezepts, vom Versand bis zur Lieferung deiner Medizin – wir begleiten dich.

Arten von Apotheken

Es gibt im Wesentlichen zwei Arten von Apotheken, die sich auf medizinisches Cannabis spezialisiert haben und Patientinnen und Patienten auf ihrem Weg begleiten.

Apotheken in der Nähe

Manchmal ist es beruhigend zu wissen, dass man eine Apotheke in der Nähe hat, vor allem wenn es um etwas so Persönliches wie die Gesundheit geht. Lokale Apotheken bieten den Vorteil, dass du direkt mit dem Apothekenpersonal sprechen und Fragen stellen kannst. Je nach Verfügbarkeit können sie dir deine Cannabisprodukte gleich mit auf den Weg geben.

Apotheken in der Nähe finden


Die Bestellung deiner Cannabis-Medizin bei einer Online-Apotheke ist eine bequeme und unkomplizierte Möglichkeit, deine Cannabis-Therapie zu erhalten. Einfach ein Bild deines Originalrezepts hochladen und anschließend per Brief an die Apotheke senden. Kurze Zeit später erhältst du deine Bestellung per Post oder Kurier direkt nach Hause geliefert. Online-Apotheken zeigen oft einen Live-Bestand ihrer Produkte an und gewährleisten eine schnelle Lieferung. Darüber hinaus stehen bei vielen Online-Apotheken kompetente Teams zur Verfügung, um Fragen zum Bestellprozess oder zum Produkt zu beantworten.


How does work?
At you can find doctors, the stock of pharmacies and information about cannabis. With the doctor search you can find specialized doctors in your area and online. Do you already have a medical cannabis prescription? Search the stock of Germany's leading pharmacies with just one click. Reserve your medicine and have it conveniently delivered to your home or pick it up locally.
What does cannabis mean as medicine?
Since 2017, cannabis can be prescribed by any doctor in Germany (except veterinarians and dentists). Cannabis medicine can be a good option for numerous complaints if, from a medical point of view, there is a chance of alleviating the symptoms. Cannabis can be prescribed as a flower, extract or even a finished medicinal product.
For which illnesses is medical cannabis used?
Medical cannabis is used to relieve various ailments. In addition to chronic pain, tumors and spasticity, common prescription reasons include depression, sleep disorders, MS, ADHD, migraines, skin diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
How do I become a patient?
Since 2017, cannabis can be prescribed by any doctor in Germany (except veterinarians and dentists). The law does not specify the indications permitted for a prescription. Whether cannabis treatment is an option for you is up to the doctor to decide.
How do I find a doctor?
Use to search for doctors in your area or online, regardless of your location.
What is the difference between local and online doctors?
Online doctors offer appointments regardless of location, but they are often not statutory health insurance doctors. Only statutory health insurance doctors can submit an application to the health insurance companies for reimbursement of costs. You usually cover the costs of medication and treatment with an online doctor yourself.
What is the difference between self-payer, private and health insurance?
Online doctors are usually self-payers or private doctors. The application for reimbursement can only be issued by doctors who are approved by the health insurance company. You can find out more about reimbursement in our blog. You usually cover the costs of medication and treatment with an online doctor yourself.
How can I apply for reimbursement of costs by the statutory health insurance?
You and your doctor will apply for reimbursement. The application must be submitted before the medication is first prescribed. The health insurance company then has three weeks to respond to the application. We have summarised the most important points that you should consider when applying for reimbursement in our guide.
What costs might I incur?
If the health insurance company does not approve coverage or you have opted for a private doctor, you will have to cover the costs of the treatment and the medication yourself. The price of the treatment varies depending on the provider. The cost of initial consultations is usually in the range of €80 to €120, while follow-up prescriptions can cost between €15 and €120. The prices for cannabis flowers also vary depending on the pharmacy, but are often between €6 and €15.
How do I take my cannabis medication (methods of intake)?
Medical cannabis can be used in a variety of ways, including smoking, vaporizing, taking it orally in the form of capsules, tea or edibles, and topical applications such as creams or oils.
When will I receive my cannabis medication?
Our partner pharmacies offer you various options. When making a reservation, you can choose between delivery and collection. The pharmacy will then confirm your reservation and prepare it. Collection is a good option if you are close to the pharmacy. After the pharmacy confirms your reservation, simply bring your original prescription to the pharmacy and collect your medication. Alternatively, you can choose to have it shipped. Please send your original prescription to the pharmacy. Please note that your original prescription must be received by the pharmacy within 8 days (date of issue + 7 days).