Cookies and third-party services


Cookies and third-party services

(web analysis and web tracking) on ​​our website

1. General

A. What are cookies and tracking tools?

A cookie is a text file in which various information about a user, about visits to a particular website or about certain settings, e.g. the selected language of the website, can be stored. Cookies are stored in the user’s Internet browser – i.e. on the end device with which the user visits a website.
As an alternative to cookies, other tracking tools can be used, such as pixels, web beacons or fingerprint tracking. These technologies analyze the use of a website or certain preferences without a cookie being installed on the user’s end device, for example by recognizing the user based on unique characteristics (fingerprinting) of the end device or by automatically sending certain information to the sender of a marketing e-mail (web beacon).

B. What is the difference between first party and third party technologies?

First party technologies are installed by our website. The information collected in this way is only evaluated by us. Third party technologies are cookies or other tracking tools that are installed by another company whose service we use when you visit our website. These companies support us, for example, with web analyses of visitors to our website, for example in order to be able to place targeted advertising, including on other websites.

C. What does use cookies and tracking tools for and what data is processed?

Cookies fulfil various tasks. For example, they are used to enable certain functions of a website, to simplify navigation or to save a user’s preferences (such as language settings). Cookies therefore help to improve user-friendliness. Cookies can also be used to recognise a specific user using an identification number (ID), to analyse user behaviour on a specific website and thus to determine certain interests of the user, for example to activate certain default settings of a visited website or to display suitable advertising.

Tracking tools are usually used to observe a certain behavior of the website visitor. We also use cookies and tracking tools to measure which of our marketing activities are successful and whether our marketing emails are read.

When cookies and other tracking tools are used, the following personal data is usually processed:

  • Information about the browser used (type/version) and the operating system or device of the user;
  • the user’s IP address;
  • Websites from which the user’s system accesses our website;
  • Websites accessed by the user’s system through our website;
  • Use of website functions, search terms entered and frequency of page views; and
  • Date and time of access.

If an identification number (ID) is created for a specific user for a cookie and stored on the user’s device, this ID is also considered personal data.

D. Legal permission for data processing

The processing of personal information through cookies and other tracking tools, the storage of cookies and other information on the user’s device and the access to information already stored on the user’s device require legal permission under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and/or the Telecommunications and Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG). The legal basis for the respective cookie or tracking tool depends on the category of the cookie or tracking tool.

E. What categories of cookies and tracking tools are used? And on what legal basis?

The cookies we use can be divided into the following categories. The legal basis for data processing is also stated for each category.

Technically necessaryTechnically necessary cookies and tracking tools are those that are absolutely necessary for using all the functions of our website. Without these, error-free use of our website cannot be guaranteed.We have a legitimate interest in offering a functional website.Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR
First Party AnalysisThese are cookies and tracking tools that analyze how our website is used. The findings from these analyses help us to adapt our website to the wishes and needs of visitors. The information collected by the cookies is not passed on to third parties.
We have a legitimate interest in offering a functional website.Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR
Data is stored and accessed based on consent.Section 25 para. 1 TTDSG
Third Party AnalysisThird-party analysis cookies and tracking tools also measure the use of the website or the effectiveness of online advertising. However, this measurement and the associated data processing is carried out by third-party companies under their own responsibility.
Data processing is carried out based on consent.Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR
Data is stored and accessed based on consent.Section 25 para. 1 TTDSG
FunctionalFunctional cookies are those that are designed to make visiting our website more pleasant. For example, a previously selected language setting is saved. In addition, these cookies enable certain functions (e.g. the shopping cart function or opening a chat window).
We have a legitimate interest in offering a functional website.Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR
Data is stored and accessed based on consent.Section 25 para. 1 TTDSG
Tracking and marketingTracking and advertising cookies are placed on the device to enable advertising that corresponds to user preferences and to track the success of these ads. These cookies and tracking tools are usually third-party technologies.
Storage and access to data is based on consentArt. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR
Data is stored and accessed based on consent.Section 25 para. 1 TTDSG

2. The following cookies and tracking tools are integrated into our website

An up-to-date list of the cookies and tracking tools we use on our website isavailable.

3. Management of cookies, consent and revocation and objection

A. Manage and disable cookies

Common Internet browsers generally allow many setting options for cookie management. For example, the browser can be set to delete cookies promptly/regularly from the device used, block all cookies, or inform the user before a cookie is placed. Further information on this can be found in the respective browser. If all cookies are blocked or deleted, this may result in certain functions of our website no longer working or no longer working properly.

The settings regarding which cookies and tracking tools may be used when visiting our website can also be found in theour website.

B. Consent and revocation of consent

If consent is required for the use of a cookie or a tracking tool, we will ask for this before using the cookie or tracking tool through our cookie banner when you first visit our website. Consent once given can be revoked via thethe website by acan be revoked at any time.

C. Objection to cookies

If data processing is carried out based on our legitimate interest, this processing can be objected to. The objection can be exercised by selecting “Only necessary”.

D. Any questions?

Questions about the handling and protection of personal data or the exercise of rights under data protection law can be directed to us:

Further information on how we process personal data when you visit our website can be found in our privacy policy Link to privacy policy .